How To Remove Dark Spots On The Face?
Are your dark spots and pigmentations on the face driving you crazy? Then, look for a long-lasting solution that can help you get clean and glowing skin. The Best Kumkumadi Thailam is made from various potent herbs and spices that offer effective results.
The ayurvedic approach helps you understand your skin better and thus offers a unique solution that can help cure the root causes. To help treat the dark spots appearing on your face, it is essential to understand the reason for its development.
The dark spots are generally caused due to the overdrive of melanin production by the melanocytes. Melanin is responsible for the colour of our skin, eyes and hair, and it also plays an essential role in protecting the skin against the harmful effects of harmful UV rays. When your skin is exposed to the sun, melanin production increases, leading to dark spots.
Causes of Dark Spots
The high production of melanin in the body is owed to various conditions like hormonal changes, inflammation, and sun exposure.
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal changes sometimes lead to skin pigmentation, especially in pregnant women. They tend to have Melasma which is dark patches on the cheeks and forehead.
Sun Exposure
Exposure to harmful UV rays is one of the most significant causes of dark spots. The most common types of pigmentation developed due to exposure to the sun include freckles, suntan and solar lentigines.
Side Effects Of Medications
Certain medications cause side effects like skin pigmentation and dark spots. It is one of the most common reactions of Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID).
Dark spots can also be an aftereffect of skin infections and inflammation. These are generally caused by eczema and acne.
How To Get Rid Of Dark Spots?
The most effective way to eliminate the dark spots is by using the top ayurvedic concoctions for skin health.
Manjistha (Rubia cordifolia)
It is an ayurvedic herb with various skin benefits and is one of the active ingredients in the Best Kumkumadi Thailam. It works as a blood purifier and helps to treat the condition inside out.
Another common ingredient used in the best Ayurvedic Kumkumadi Oil is sandalwood which helps to nourish the skin and reduce inflammations. It helps to treat the root cause of dark spots, which are acne and other skin infections.
Saffron is an ayurvedic herb that has antioxidizing properties and thus helps to reduce blemishes and also improve the complexion of the skin.
Conclusively, Ayurveda offers top approaches to help reduce dark spots by treating the core issues.